Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What is a Distant Pocket?

Salutem plurimam.

Thinking, speaking and writing about math and science is a joy of mine. I hope to explore the ‘hows and whys’ of some interesting computational issues.

I’ve written a few small utilities which I’ll post (and discuss) the source code to. Also, I expect the chronological dimension will serve as an excellent viewport for in-progress projects.

Ground rules:

As a game developer, I’m under numerous NDAs. Often, I will only be able to address an issue tangentially.

Enguerrand is a pseudonym, with the intent of protecting my (equally anonymous) employer. I appreciate your respect in this matter.

Comments via private email or public posting are welcome. I will promptly delete spam and content-free remarks.

Finally, sincere thanks to Blogger for hosting this!

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